Labels:bird | sky OCR: Honeywell Aero takes off its hat to the bat TMPROVE on the flight control system of the bat? Impossible! But in man-made flight control systems we ve made some very significant improvements One norable example is the Honeywell MB.3 Autopilot -the first to let man fly plane under automatic control specds faster than sound Other Honey ywell contriburions to Hight? Over one -quarter million of the world most accurate gyroscopes; the space Thii well cckpit MB contral Autopilot panel of Ir the fits reference system for projecr Vanguard; inrn Honey panel opening to much mote autopilots than any other company; large than pestcard iCts AS nerve control systems and components for center for 10 difforen sysrem com missiles rockets and jets ponents flight automatic funetions cally control MH differen ...